Robert Marz

Robert Marz is an Oracle ACE Pro and Independent Consultant.

At customer sites, he works as a Senior Technical Architect with a database-centric view of the world.

Robert is the Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Databee - The IT-Architects, a Germany-based professional services company.

Within DOAG (the German Oracle user group), he oversees the Cloud topics inside the database community.

Robert is a member of ODTUG, IOUG, DOAG, and RMOUG.

With over twenty-five years of experience in custom development and data warehouse projects, he specializes in Oracle database development and administration. Additionally, he is skilled in scripting languages, operating systems, virtualization, and cloud technologies.

Robert Marz publishes articles and papers in various publications, maintains the its-people portfolio blog, and frequently speaks at mostly German conferences.

Contact Information: Email: Twitter: @RobbieDatabee Website:

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POUG to nie tylko oficjalna społeczność Oracle – to przede wszystkim baza bardzo aktywnych użytkowników, angażujących się w rozwój grupy zarówno podczas samych spotkań, jak i w trakcie przygotowań do nich. Nasz przekaz dociera do blisko 400 osób związanych z bazami danych – od administratorów po deweloperów, od początkujących po ekspertów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem.

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