Franky Weber Faust

Franky Faust works for Pythian as a Lead Oracle Database Consultant. He has extensive knowledge in Oracle Exadata and High Availability technologies and in other databases like Snowflake DB, MySQL, Cassandra and SQL Server. He is always improving his skills focusing on researching Oracle performance and HA. Franky has been involved in some major implementations of multi node RAC in AIX, Linux and Exadata and multisite DataGuard environments. He is OCP 12c, OCE SQL and Performance Tuning, OCA 11g, OCS Linux 6, RAC 12c, Exadata, OCI Certified Solutions Architect and AWS Certified Database Specialty and Solutions Architect, Snowflake SnowPro certified and was nominated Oracle ACE in 2017. He is well known in the Brazilian community for his blog and for all the contribution he provides to the Oracle Brazilian community. Franky is also a frequent writer for OTN and speaker at some Oracle and database conferences around the world. Feel free to contact him on social media.

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POUG to nie tylko oficjalna społeczność Oracle – to przede wszystkim baza bardzo aktywnych użytkowników, angażujących się w rozwój grupy zarówno podczas samych spotkań, jak i w trakcie przygotowań do nich. Nasz przekaz dociera do blisko 400 osób związanych z bazami danych – od administratorów po deweloperów, od początkujących po ekspertów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem.

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