Alex Nuijten

Alex Nuijten is an independent consultant (allAPEX), specializing in Oracle database development with PL/SQL and Oracle Application Express (APEX) and member of the Smart4APEX Guild. Besides his consultancy work, he conducts training classes, mainly in APEX, SQL and PL/SQL. Alex has been a speaker at numerous international conferences, such as ODTUG, Oracle Open World, UKOUG, IOUG, OUGF, BGOUG, OGH APEX World and OBUG. For his presentations, Alex received several Best Speaker awards. He wrote many articles in Oracle related magazines, and at regular intervals he writes about Oracle Application Express and Oracle database development on his blog “Notes on Oracle” ( Alex is co-author of the following books “Oracle APEX Best Practices” (published by Packt Publishers) and “Real World SQL and PL/SQL” (published by Oracle Press). Because of his contributions to the Oracle community, Alex was awarded the Oracle ACE Director membership in August 2010.

Topic: Oracle 12c for Developers

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