Bryn Llewellyn

Bryn Llewellyn Distinguished Product Manager Database Server Technologies Division Oracle HQ

Bryn Llewellyn has worked in the software field for more than thirty-five years. He joined Oracle UK in 1990 at the European Development Center to work on the Oracle Designer team. He transferred to the Oracle Text team and then into consulting as the text specialist for Europe. He relocated to Redwood Shores in 1996 to join the Oracle Text Technical Marketing Group. He has been the product manager for PL/SQL since 2001. In 2005, he became responsible, additionally, for edition-based redefinition (EBR for short). This is the Oracle Database capability that supports online application upgrade.

It’s hard for Bryn to remember his life before Oracle. He started off doing image analysis and pattern recognition at Oxford University (programming in FORTRAN) and then worked in Oslo, first at the Norwegian Computing Center and then in a startup. In Norway, Bryn programmed in Simula (its inventors were his close colleagues). This language is recognized as the first object-oriented programming language and was the inspiration for Smalltalk and C++.

Bryn is an Oak Table member.

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