Lothar Flatz

I started to work with the Oracle database using version 5 in 1989. I was 15 years Oracle employee and finally ended up as member of the Real World Performance Group as principle member of technical staff. In 2012 i left Oracle and became Oak Table Member and somewhat later, Oracle ACE. I would call myself an Oracle Performance Architect. My intentionis always to make software work more efficiently. I will do whatever it takes. Be it a change in the data model, the physical design, the code, the database setup or even the hardware. I always believe in scientific methods. I disregard guessing and I favour facts. I hold a US patent in improving certain queries, together with my friend, Bjoern Engsig.

POUG Partnership

POUG is not only the official Oracle community – first of all it is the base of very active members, who are engaged in the group development both during the meetings and the preparations to them. Our message gets to the 400 people connected with databases – from the developers to the administrators and from the begginers to the experts with years of experience.

We would like to invite you to be a part of our event – it is a chance to show your brand during and before the meeting.