17-18 listopada 2023, Warszawa


Track 1
Track 2

Track 1 Rejestracja

Track 1 Wspólne otwarcie konferencji ze sponsorem głównym - Oracle Polska

Track 1 Oracle Session - Realtime processing of events at 100km/h - a tale of speed, saltwater and software architecture rozwiń opis
Realtime processing of events at 100km/h - a tale of speed, saltwater and software architecture
Tomasz Nienartowicz
Track 2 A dive into Database Resident Connection Pooling rozwiń opis
A look into DRCP, a feature that could help with application servers that don’t support connection pooling. What is it? How does it work? Is that going to solve all your problems? What’s the impact on performance? Should you use it? How to use it?
Andrzej Nowicki

Track 1 Not just data Consistency – Introduction to MySQL HeatWave Data-Platform and its Analytics, Lakehouse & AI capabilities. rozwiń opis
In this session you will get the opportunity to experience Oracle’s latest Innovations in its MySQL-HeatWave technology. Using MySQL native interface, organizations can now achieve the most out of their data and enhance use-cases with innovative capabilities such as Realtime-Analytics, Lakehouse and Machine-Learning.
Adi Hochmann
Track 2 A Collection's a Collection, no matter how small rozwiń opis
Oracle Database provides us with collection since a long as I can remember (Oracle First as PL/SQL Tables in PL/SQL only. They have been been renamed (Index-by Tables, Associative arrays) and new implementations have been added since (Varrays, Nested Tables [SQL and PL/SQL]). Also the original Asscociative arrays have been updated, making them available in SQL as well. They play a key role in many of the newer Oracle features like BULK Processing (BULK COLLECT and FORALL) and Table functions. Using the bulk processing capabilities of your Oracle Database they can speed up your processing by an order of magnitude. This session will show a little bit of history, how to use the collections, how to make collections available in SQL so they can be processed in other languages. How things can be done in what version and how things become easier with the newer versions of the database.
Patrick Barel

Track 1 Blockbuster! An idiots guide rozwiń opis
So you have a major problem with your database. There’s a block-level problem. What can you do? First of all, call someone who knows how to fix your system. Don’t be an idiot and try to fix it yourself! If you don’t have the money to hire such a rare consultant, or are not fixing things but need to edit a block for other “reasons”, or you just want to understand the block structure a bit better. Come have a discussion about it. Let see what we can do to fix such problems. Lets see how rico2 works and what you can and cannot easily change within a block.
Neil Chandler
Track 2 Modern ways to stage your non-prod systems rozwiń opis
With highly automated deployments and higher deployment frequencies the need for staging non-prod databases is rising. During the years and Oracle versions the ways and possibilities for doing that increased. In this talk I will discuss some situations and ways for doing that and some ways I’ve seen in real life szenarios. Further I will provide some insights on discussions why some ways are not always workin
Julian Frey

Track 1 Discover some more in Statspack and AWR
Piet de Visser
Track 2 How Intelligent is the SQL Analysis Report in Oracle 23c? rozwiń opis
One of the nice little features in Oracle 23c is the “SQL Analysis Report”: When displaying execution plans, in some situations a report appears with suggestions on how to rewrite your SQL statement to improve performance. What is behind this feature? Did Oracle just added a list of fixed recommendations, or is an intelligent set of rules implemented to suggest specific performance improvements? How useful are these recommendations? Do they also work for complex SQL queries? There is no information (so far) about this feature in the Oracle documentation, but the interest of the presenter was definitely aroused. With various live examples I will show in which cases the “SQL Analysis Report” gives useful performance tips, how intelligent these recommendations are and where the limits of this new performance feature are.
Dani Schnider

Track 1 Obiad

Track 1 EBS on OCI: a bittersweet journey to the cloud rozwiń opis
DNV embarked on a transformation journey in 2020, migrating Oracle EBS ERP to OCI within a 7-month timeframe. We serve offices in more than 100 countries around the world with over 12000 users.

DNV has implemented an independently-developed solution called Dynamic Scaling which empowers them to always deliver the exact database performance to their EBS application as well as reducing cost significantly. Dynamic Scaling solution improves performance significantly, allowing clients to perform month-end closing 300% faster without any end-user manual intervention.

This session will cover DNV’s strategies to migrate customer to OCI, their real-world observations and metrics on the impact of its scaling tools and custom-tailored solutions, and a live demo of how simple it is to configure and implement Dynamic Scaling.
Rafael Andrade
Paweł Podkul
Track 2 Yet another (Property) Graph in Oracle rozwiń opis
Graphs aren’t new in Oracle Database: RDF graphs are supported for a very long time. More recently, Oracle added support for property graphs as part of their converged database approach (it started before already, but was used as an argument of the converged theme). It was mainly through a separate tool (Oracle Graph Server) and query language (PGQL) that Oracle developed.

Now, with the Oracle Database 23c release there is support for the new SQL ISO standard covering property graphs: SQL/PGQ.

Is this one graph too many? Because it doesn’t replace anything, it is added next to the existing solutions. The most confusing part is that syntaxes are extremely similar (done on purpose), and users could be surprised to have errors on a syntax they found in the doc (but it was the syntax for the “other” tool).

In this session, I will first cover the main differences and pros and cons of the existing solution, and then also provide some hints about why it still does make sense that both solutions exist because they do have some key differences making one the best “tool for the job” based on the needs. While also covering the huge limitations SQL/PGQ has for now, making it pointless for many usages.

A practical presentation, covering SQL/PGQ, one of the 23c new features, and helping you in adopting it (or not) in the right way with some examples.
Gianni Ceresa

Track 1 Oracle Data Pump Internals rozwiń opis
Data Pump is well known to almost every DBA. It is the Swiss army knife for all types of upgrades and migrations, regardless whether you migrate only to a new platform, a new version or the CDB architecture. Data Pump does it all for you.

But reality bites sometimes. There are useful Best Practices you may not be aware of. And in this session we try to show the best and well kept secrets. Why is there only one worker working on your 10TB LOB table? Why does it matter how many dumpfiles you use? Is network mode more efficient, less efficient, or about the same as using a dumpfile? How can you monitor what Data Pump is actually doing? And why is the Bundle Patch so incredibly important but not included in any RU yet?

We’ll have so many useful topics, it will be hard to fit them into 45 minutes. But we’ll get the best ones for you, and whether you are a casual user or an expert, you should learn something in this session you were not aware of before.
Roy Swonger
Track 2 Oracle The Most Mysterious Cases rozwiń opis
It was on a cold day in November when the silence was broken by a desperate scream: ‘Kill it! Kill it!”. The boss immediately pushed the button and brutally terminated the session. It has happened again… The Performance was murdered. Boss flicked through the case files. There were no usual suspects. Where is the murderer hiding then? The desk was buried under the cases’ files similar to this one. The File that hasn’t been seen in production for 6 months, the whole team has been looking for it, but there was no progress, not even a clue… Another reported missing - Data has left the Source System but never reached the Destination server…Nobody has seen it again… This is too much for one person. And that’s why I need YOUR help! During the session, we will solve all the mysterious cases together and we will find out what is responsible for the strange behavior of the system. Is the source of the problem a huge design error or a small decision at one of the stages of development? How minor design decisions can affect the system’s performance and vulnerability to errors? Who is the murderer? The answer may surprise you!
Erik van Roon
Monika Lewandowska

Track 1 Embracing IPv6 in the OCI: Benefits and Best Practices rozwiń opis
IPv6 is inevitable. We have known for a long time that IPv4 addresses are finite. And although the successor IPv6 has been available for twenty-seven years, most companies and all public clouds still work with IPv4.

The question is not whether we upgrade all our networks to IPv6 but when. It makes sense to gain experience with isolated IPv6 projects now. And the cloud is the ideal place for this.

This presentation introduces the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 and shows how to set up IPv6 networks in the OCI. I also dispel common prejudices against IPv6.

This presentation contains detailed live demos.
Robert Marz
Track 2 utPLSQL - unit tests, code coverage test, CI/CD integration and much more... rozwiń opis
utPLSQL (UT3) - is a tool designed to carry out Unit Tests of applications written in PL/SQL. Practice shows that this tool can do much more than just run unit tests. As part of the presentation, the use of this tool in real projects will be discussed - from simple unit tests, through code coverage tests, to integration with CI/CD tools. In addition, the idea of using utPLSQL to carry out more and more sophisticated test scenarios, or to cover new functionalities or bugs with tests thealized with the use of this tool, will be presented. The real life scenario on which this presentation is based is a project on which several programmers worked simultaneously, in which several million lines of PL/SQL code were written and in which over 4,000 tests were created using the utPLSQL tool. Finally, the whole thing was fastened with the help of CI / CD framework, giving programmers an easy-to-use environment that minimizes the creation of code containing new errors or restoring errors previously detected and fixed.
Mariusz Masewicz

Track 1 Oracle Performance Troubleshooting - real cases rozwiń opis
I would like to present a couple of performance cased with my approach how to find the issue and fix it. The presentation will contain real scenarios.
Bartosz Zielinski
Track 2 Invitation to the Wedding of JSON and Relational Data rozwiń opis
Native support of JSON within Oracle Database became available in version and has greatly expanded and improved in every version since. This session will give you an overview and examples of the various functionalities to marry JSON and Relational data across the versions from until 23c including:

Different datatypes to store JSON
Discover content of schemaless JSON with Dataguide
Validate JSON with a JSON Schema
Querying JSON data in different ways
Creating JSON data in different ways
Modifying JSON data
Using JSON Relational Duality view to work with same data both as JSON and as relational
GeoJSON and Spatial
Kim Berg Hansen

Track 1 Finding Widlake is a bit like Finding Wally rozwiń opis
Good things come in small packages. But is AI up to the challenge? A lot of AI examples are of image processing looking for images of cats and dogs. While somewhat helpful, these examples can be difficult to relate to. What about trying to find something useful? This session will be a demonstration of using Oracle’s AI Image Processing cloud service to process images of past Oracle Conferences, create an AI model, and use this to identify a small but very important part of the Oracle User Group Community. Can we find Martin Widlake. Just like the Finding Wally puzzles, finding Martin can be a challenge. Join us to see how we can solve this challenge.
Brendan Tierney
Martin Widlake
Track 2 SQL Trace in 2023? Yes, it's (still) useful (and improved) rozwiń opis
The Power of SQL Trace and the data it contains is great, but often it is seen as complicated or even cumbersome. But with proper preparation it can show a great variety of information to DBAs, developers, operational teams and architects. The presentation shows why and when SQL Trace can help (and even it’s limits). The 2nd part is to understand methods to enable it, either from the application or DB side. Even in the cloud, different cloud providers provide their interfaces to enable SQL trace and get the tracefiles. And with 23c, there is a nice improvement also.
Martin Berger

Track 1 Oracle 23c New Features for DBAs rozwiń opis
Since its brief pause in 2015, the DBMS market has reeled off 7 consecutive years of growth, with the last 6 years all growing in the teens. There are more than 400 database brands right now. The Database market has seen enormous change with the transition to cloud-based systems. Cloud platform providers lead the way and continue to make gains based on their performance. There is one database brand that not only stays dominant throughout the years but increases constantly it is significance among clients both on premises and in the cloud: The Converged Oracle Database.
Julian Dontcheff
Track 2 3 problems - 3 strategies rozwiń opis
Taking the high-altitude view there are only three reasons why you may be called to address a performance problem.

A specific task takes too long to complete A “batch” process recently over-ran its SLA “The system” is too slow

There are common elements to the three classes of problem, but the fastest solution to the a problem starts by identifying the correct strategy and using the right tools in the right way.

Ultimately many problems come down either to interpreting execution plans and know why the optimizer has picked a bad plan, or to code that needs to be re-engineered to eliminate single-row processing (or minimise its impact) or reduce concurrency; but the best way to find the bad plan, or identify the critical code depends on the basic nature of the problem and the way the cry for help appeared.

In this talk I’ll discuss the what, the how, and the why, of quickly identifying solutions to 99% of performance problems by doing the right thing at the right time.
Jonathan Lewis


Track 1
Track 2

Track 1 Got Oracle? Get Apps! How to implement APEX not just for simple things? rozwiń opis
In this presentation, we will explore the implementation of Oracle APEX as a low-code platform for building applications in organisations of different sizes. Unfortunately, some companies fail to implement low-code platforms like Oracle APEX successfully on a bigger scale and keep using it not as a professional application platform but only as a minor framework for simple applications. Therefore, this presentation will provide a comprehensive guide to implementing Oracle APEX, including strategies, five real-life examples (with fails!) and best practices that can help ensure success.

Attendees will learn how to avoid common pitfalls, successfully implement Oracle APEX in their organisations and will be inspired by the possibilities they have with this built-in and free Oracle feature. This knowledge is becoming increasingly important as low-code platforms gain popularity and will be even more crucial in the future.
Tomáš Kucharzyk
Przemysław Staniszewski
Track 2 Some internal hex, hacking and doing stuff they shouldn’t do.
Kamil Stawiarski
Radosław Kut

Track 1 Standardized, safe and automated deployment of systems on Oracle databases for CI/CD rozwiń opis
Do you have the solution for automatic deployment of systems on Oracle databases? Is is secure? Can your DBA’s (or you as one of) can sleep well and be not bothered unnecessarily? Does it allow developers to fully manage the lifecycle of development environments? Does it enforce common standards for deployed products? Does it allow high degree of customization? If you seek the answer to any of these questions I will show you a real-life working example of such solution that meets the beforementioned criteria.
Piotr Wrzosek
Track 2 The Price we Pay - Performance and HA with Oracle RAC (Martin, Axel as Co-Speaker) rozwiń opis
Making database systems highly available is somewhat of a challenge. In the end, a whole chain of middle ways emerges, in which the interests of the end customer must be weighed conscientiously: The manufacturer makes compromises in order to provide the required functions. The planner makes compromises in order to obtain an affordable concept. The implementation makes compromises to make the system operable. And operations department makes compromises in order to survive with the system on a day-to-day basis.

What does this area of conflict look like in concrete terms? Complexity, costs, performance - Oracle ACE Director Martin Klier wants to illuminate these three fields in detail in his lecture, which was developed in close cooperation with Axel vom Stein. The focus will be on the problem area of system performance when using RAC: Which disadvantages do I buy by which HA features? Can the performance gains of multiple nodes outweigh the disadvantages? Which workloads are suitable for scaling?
You are going to learn, how Oracle RAC scales, and where scaling will come to its borders, and how to plan for this in infrastructure and application.
Martin Klier

Track 1 Exploring the new Search Indexes in 23c rozwiń opis
First introduced in 21c, and now enhanced in Oracle 23c, Search Indexes bring us a variety of new features.

23c’s new Search Indexes include new functionality that makes searching text, JSON and XML data easier than ever. This includes new indexing options as well as the brand-new Ubiquitous Search capability. Using hands-on practical examples, this presentation will examine and demonstrate the use of different search techniques with an in-depth look at using the text search capabilities.

Search Indexes: - text indexes - FOR JSON indexes
- FOR XML indexes

DBMS_SEARCH: - We’ll also have a look at the new DBMS_SEARCH package and the new Ubiquitous Database Search for indexing multiple database objects in a single index.
Niall Mc Phillips
Track 2 Making of: The Price we Pay - Performance and HA with Oracle RAC (Axel, Martin as Co-Speaker) rozwiń opis
Does high availability with Oracle RAC have a negative effect on the expected performance? Does the scaling over several nodes dominate, or does the overhead, e.g. through cache fusion? With a suitable setup, HA expert Axel vom Stein, in collaboration with Martin Klier, got to the bottom of these questions using common performance tools and provides appropriate answers.

This presentation is not so much about the results, but about the way we achieved them. An introduction to Swingbench & ORION as well as preliminary considerations including the necessary evil of using a well-known spreadsheet tool will be part of the presentation. Of course, everything is true to the slogan: “Don’t trust any statistics you haven’t faked yourself!”

This is the “Making of” of Martin Klier’s presentation “The price we pay - Performance and HA with Oracle RAC” about necessary compromises between availability and system performance in the database environment.
Axel vom Stein

Track 1 Why? Do you hate? Hibernate? rozwiń opis
First, hate never helps and doesn’t scale. We may also expose the dirty little secret that DBAs who hate Hibernate might not know what they’re talking about 😜 Let’s explain what Hibernate is and how it can solve some serious software development problems. It may have improved the database usage more than being harmful. By the end of this presentation, you’ll be enlightened and become a Hibernate fan and a mediator between your Dev and DBA team.
Franck Pachot
Track 2 Technical overview of backup and recovery tooling at CERN rozwiń opis
CERN decided to rewrite its code for backup and recovery operations on Oracle databases after many years of good and loyal service . In this session I will share with you all the ideas and concepts we have put in place to take this challenge.
Sébastien Masson

Track 1 PL/SQL vs. JavaScript in Oracle Database 23c rozwiń opis
Since Oracle Database version 21c, you can execute JavaScript dynamically with the help of DBMS_MLE. Starting with version 23c JavaScript modules can be used to process data with JavaScript according to the SmartDB paradigm in the database.

By adding JavaScript to the Oracle Database, we can use existing JavaScript libraries in the database, and we make it easier for those without PL/SQL knowledge to get started with database development.

Wasn’t that already the argument for Java in the database? What is now easier and better with JavaScript? When is JavaScript a good alternative to PL/SQL and when rather not?

In this talk, I will answer these questions with the help of examples and position PL/SQL as well as JavaScript in database development.
Philipp Salvisberg
Track 2 Availability, Manageability, and Observability in Oracle Data Guard 23c rozwiń opis
What is new in Oracle Data Guard 21c and 23c? But also, why? With the brand new long-term support version of Oracle Database, we have introduced many small enhancements that will make your database lifecycle faster and easier to manage, and with the exceptional robustness that has always made Oracle Data Guard an outstanding product. Join this session from the product management to learn why we are excited about the new features, why we implemented them, and how your feedback plays the main role in defining our roadmap toward the future.
Ludovico Caldara

Track 1 Obiad

Track 1 Oracle The Most Mysterious Cases rozwiń opis
It was on a cold day in November when the silence was broken by a desperate scream: ‘Kill it! Kill it!”. The boss immediately pushed the button and brutally terminated the session. It has happened again… The Performance was murdered. Boss flicked through the case files. There were no usual suspects. Where is the murderer hiding then? The desk was buried under the cases’ files similar to this one. The File that hasn’t been seen in production for 6 months, the whole team has been looking for it, but there was no progress, not even a clue… Another reported missing - Data has left the Source System but never reached the Destination server…Nobody has seen it again… This is too much for one person. And that’s why I need YOUR help! During the session, we will solve all the mysterious cases together and we will find out what is responsible for the strange behavior of the system. Is the source of the problem a huge design error or a small decision at one of the stages of development? How minor design decisions can affect the system’s performance and vulnerability to errors? Who is the murderer? The answer may surprise you!
Monika Lewandowska
Track 2 Can I patch online? rozwiń opis
Is it possible to patch the database while it continues to run? Even during upgrades? Join here and discover if Yes or NO. I will show you how it works for GI with Zero-Downtime Oracle Grid Infrastructure Patching, what it is Hot Patching for databases, datapatch, and new features for 19c, 21c, and future releases. I will show examples of how to do that, RAC/Single Instance, including connection and drain timeouts, errors, and troubleshooting.
Fernando Simon

Track 1 Enabling Generative-AI with Oracle AI Vector Search. rozwiń opis
Oracle introduced AI Vector Search in 23c to enable customers to build Generative-AI and semantic search capabilities into their applications. The core of AI Vector Search includes a) a new first-class datatype called Vector that’s used to represent the features/attributes of some unstructured content like text or images, b) new vector indexes to perform approximate searches to find similar matches, and c) new SQL syntax and operators to easily incorporate similarity search into SQL queries. This session will give a solid background behind Generative-AI technology and Oracle’s new AI Vector Search capabilities in 23c, as well showcase the technology with demo slides or live demo.
Shasank Chavan
Track 2 Data Guard in the PDB World rozwiń opis
Data Guard is one of the best solutions for protecting your production database and minimizing downtime during planned maintenance windows. It also assists with larger tasks such as rolling upgrades. In the non-multitenant world, everything was straightforward and well-defined. However, with the new Oracle architecture, this solution also needs to evolve. This discussion will primarily concentrate on the existing functionalities available up until Oracle version 21c and will cover best practices for running highly available databases with minimal risk.
Marcin Przepiorowski

Track 1 Hoppy Migration! Brewing a successful & effervescent cloud journey to OCI with ZDM rozwiń opis
Tired of long and cumbersome database migrations in the Cloud? Especially when you have to convert a 11g to a PDB, and also LOBs to SecureFiles? Moreover when you realize you have to implement compression? And to finish you off, you must perform this migration with no downtime?! Don’t panic, we have a solution for you. In this deep dive session, Ricardo and Flora will perform a live demo of Oracle ZDM (Zero Downtime Migration), they will go through all the phases to perform an automated logical migration online, and explain what is exactly going on under the hood.
Flora Barriele
Track 2 5 cool features you are probably not using rozwiń opis
In this session, we’ll look at five things you might not have known about the Oracle Database - or that you might have known about but never realized how they could benefit you. For each topic, we will provide a detailed explanation of the functionality and demonstrated the benefits using real-world examples. The topics covered are applicable for anyone running a supported version of Oracle Database including Standard Edition, with only a couple of exceptions. After this session, we hope that you’ll understand a little more about these features and how they’ll benefit you and your organization.
Connor McDonald

Track 1 Searching for a database recovery superstar! rozwiń opis
Recovering databases from any kind of loss is an essential task for any DBA. Over the years Oracle has introduced many methods to recover damaged data, this session reviews these options and the possibilities to move away from the traditional backup setup in the ever increasing database size world. We will explore different failure scenarios, what Oracle options could be used to recovery from the failure. Up to the ultimate recovery challenge, the need to recover database from alternate storage and how to prepare for this scenario. As database sizes increase, is there still a place for traditional backup tools like Oracle RMAN or can we replace them in order to keep the total price of backups down and make them more useful?
Ilmar Kerm
Track 2 APEX: Debug like a pro rozwiń opis
Do you also wonder how your colleague identifies that bug so quickly? Do you see him/her using APEX debug and/or browser debug tools and once you give that a try, you’re overwhelmed by the options and the data which is presented at you? Do you also want to know how to read and use these tools and use them as a ‘real’ pro? Then this session is made for you.

To effectively identify the cause of an unexpected behaviour in your Oracle APEX application, the APEX team added some great debug options for developers. Next to that, each browser comes with a built-in debug tool, often referred to as the DevTools. Together they form your toolbox to debug your APEX application, but it exists of lots of tools and instruments, so when do we use what and more important why?

This session covers the most important options and instruments, what purpose do they have and when should you use each of them. This is merely done by demonstrating (un)common problems in your APEX application, covering APEX, PL/SQL, JavaScript and probably some HTML/CSS.

After this session, you will have a better understanding of these toolset and feel comfortable using these tools yourself. From now on you’ll be able to debug like a pro!
Giliam Breems

Track 1 Library Cache Deadlocks - Troubleshooting Beyond the Wait Interface. A Case Study. rozwiń opis
Starting from the Oracle wait interface, this talk will explain the “library cache lock” wait event, how to correctly decode its p1, p2 and p3 parameters and describe why the wait interface is insufficient to systematically drill-down into the underyling root cause of a real-world library cache deadlock scenario.

The talk will peek into the internal low-level library cache lock allocation mechanics with bpftrace and gdb to demonstrate how to use bpftrace to instrument the Oracle binary with probes for function call analysis and how to use gdb to hook into Oracle’s KGL lock allocation code path to artificially reproduce a library cache deadlock situation by exploiting a race condition.

Moreover, the talk will also explain why the hot patching support compiled into the Oracle binary causes problems with uprobes and uretprobes trace events due to a shortcoming in the Linux kernel that has been fixed only recently.
Christoph Lutz
Track 2 More than Block - using NFS and fast Object Storage with Oracle Database 23c rozwiń opis
In recent years we have seen an explosion in data, with the biggest growth being unstructured data due to an ever increasing amount of machine generated data being created. Data growth, longer retention periods and data protection requirements all challenge the way we store and manage our data.

Join this session where we will explore how Oracle Database 23c can utilise traditional block storage, NFS, Oracle dNFS, and fast Object Storage. We will discuss each storage option, and consider how they can be used, connectivity, requirements, and a benefits of the differing approaches.
Ron Ekins


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POUG to nie tylko oficjalna społeczność Oracle – to przede wszystkim baza bardzo aktywnych użytkowników, angażujących się w rozwój grupy zarówno podczas samych spotkań, jak i w trakcie przygotowań do nich. Nasz przekaz dociera do blisko 400 osób związanych z bazami danych – od administratorów po deweloperów, od początkujących po ekspertów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem.

Dbamy o to, żeby nasi Partnerzy mieli możliwość zaprezentowania swoich marek i produktów w najlepszej możliwej atmosferze. Chętnie odpowiemy na pytania i rozwiejemy wątpliwości!
