
11-12 października 2024, Poznań


Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Lab Track

08:00 - 09:00

09:00 - 09:55
Track 1 Keynote talk: Oracle Database - State of the Nation rozwiń opis
Oracle Database 23ai is the next new long-term support release since Oracle Database 19c. We take a look at the exciting database innovations in Oracle Database 23ai, and look at what's next on the roadmap for Oracle Database 23ai and beyond
Connor McDonald

10:00 - 10:45
Track 1 APEX, ORDS and JRDV - The Three Amigos rozwiń opis
APEX, ORDS and JSON Relational Duality Views (JRDV) are the best things that Oracle has to offer. JRDV gives the flexibility of JSON Documents and the advantages of Relational.
This presentation introduces the concepts of JRDV and how you can use this is a real world scenario.
Alex Nuijten
Roel Hartman
Track 2 Your listener is wrong and I can prove it! rozwiń opis
In this session I will do a live demo and show how to configure listener parameters properly and together with REMOTE_LISTENER you can have just one entry. And you continue to have RAC, TAF, DG, and all HA features. I will not use CMAN and just free Oracle solutions. Few slides, full demo.
Fernando Simon
Track 3 Analytics in 2024 can hurt your database in new, unexpected, ways rozwiń opis
Analytics nowadays is different from BI 10 years ago and even more than reporting 20+ years ago.
The modern trends have a different impact on your server, and also on the DBA job because users do different things with databases compared to the past. An overview of the impact of the new trends.
Gianni Ceresa
Lab Track Lab Track 1: Konfrontacja z 2 głównymi z mitami wokół platformy IBM Power. rozwiń opis
[SESJA TRWA DO 12:00] Celem sesji jest zmierzenie się, na bazie konkretnych przykładów oraz środowisk demo, z dwoma mitami, które przylgnęły do platformy IBM Power w środowisku Oracle – uzależnienie od dostawcy oraz wysokie koszty. Przy tej okazji, zespół ekspertów IBM Technology Expert Labs przedstawi w jaki sposób IBM wspiera klientów w obszarze implementacji i rozwijania środowisk Oracle na platformie IBM Power.
Stanisław Kurpiewski
Tomasz Antonik
Marcin Steć

11:00 - 11:45
Track 1 Oracle Database 23ai - What's new rozwiń opis
A presentation (mostly live demos) of some of the new features coming in Oracle Database 23ai. Learn about features.
Patrick Barel
Track 2 Avoid PTSD with Flashback rozwiń opis
If your work as a DBA, developer, test leader, or CIO frequently causes you a lot of stress, Flashback in the database may be for you. Learn how to be ready for accidents, unusual data changes, testing, and compliance with variations of Flashback technology in the Oracle database.
Øyvind Isene
Track 3 Isolation Levels and MVCC in SQL Databases: A Technical Comparative Study rozwiń opis
All databases behave differently regarding isolation levels, and all have their dark side (Oracle infamous ORA-1555, PostgreSQL craving for vacuum, SQL Server NOLOCK insanity, MySQL InnoDB dubious repeatable reads)
Franck Pachot

12:00 - 12:45
Track 1 DBMS/Utility-Packages - Explore the possibilities! rozwiń opis
An overview and classification of the PL/SQL-Packages which you will not get from Oracle. Understand what extended features you can use with PL/SQL-Packages and see the use of mostly unknown PL/SQL-Packages in some selected examples.

When using the Oracle Database you get a bunch of PL/SQL-Packages for free. This includes the DBMS_ and also several other Utility-Packages. All these PL/SQL-Packages add extra functionality to the Oracle Database. Some of the extended features can’t be used without knowledge of these PL/SQL-Packages. The extensions and PL/SQL-Packages are not only for Developers, even Database Administrators should have interests in them. This presentation gives a rough survey of the PL/SQL-Packages, categorizes them and some selected examples will be pointed out. The presentation is aimed at PL/SQL user more or less independent of their respective job roles (Developer, DBA).

Learning Objective 1: An overview and classification of the PL/SQL-Packages which you will not get from Oracle.
Learning Objective 2: Understand what extended features you can use with PL/SQL-Packages.
Learning Objective 3: See the use of mostly unknown PL/SQL-Packages in some selected examples.
Axel vom Stein
Track 2 No more witch's brew: simplify database security management with Oracle 23ai rozwiń opis
In this 95% live demo session, explore how Oracle 23ai raises the bar in terms of security.
Simplify privilege management with Schema Privileges, Read-Only users, and Hybrid Read-Only PDBs. Explore audit policies on individual columns. Examine the powerful SQL Firewall and its OCI integration.
Flora Barriele
Track 3 Let’s GO! rozwiń opis
Everything you need to know to start programming in Golang! This talk introduces Golang, its features, and explains why a compiled language is superior to a scripted language for automation.

Golang gained a lot of popularity in operations in recent years. A fast, compiled language similar to C simply allows programming new functionalities. This talk explains everything you need to know for starting programming in Go. It introduces Golang and its features and walks through how to program a REST endpoint accessing data. After a language introduction, you’ll get to know Golang during a live-coding session. You’ll learn how to write tests for Golang and how to make your application maintainable and observable.
Jasmin Fluri

13:00 - 14:00
Track 1 LUNCH

14:00 - 14:45
Track 1 23ai - Zero Slides, Zero PowerPoint, Zero Marketing, 100% Live Demo! rozwiń opis
Perhaps for the first time in its history, Oracle built a database with the core focus being a simpler, better, easier to use database for DBAs and Developers. Oracle Database 23ai is packed with these small but critical enhancements that everyone should be made aware of.
Connor McDonald
Track 2 High Availability and Disaster Recovery with Oracle Database@Azure rozwiń opis
Running Azure's applications and need Oracle Exadata, Oracle RAC, and Data Guard for the best high availability and disaster recovery for your mission-critical workloads inside Azure's data centers? Oracle Database@Azure makes it possible. Including simplified operation tasks via Cloud Automation.
Sinan Petrus Toma
Track 3 Advanced JavaScript in Oracle Database 23ai rozwiń opis
Introducing JavaScript in Oracle Database 23ai offers developers more choices in writing server-side code.
This talk introduces advanced use cases for In-Database JavaScript, including performance instrumentation, community modules, REST calls & the fetch API, and post-execution debugging.
Martin Bach
Lab Track Lab Track 2: JAS-MIN & JSON - a love story rozwiń opis
Not having Diagnostic Pack sucks. But event if you have it, it is not that obvious that you will be able to visualize properly the data and perform a meaningful analyze. Sometimes you want to use some external tools, but the security department might not be happy with you sharing Statspack or AWR reports to some third party. That's why I created jas-min (JSON AWR Statspack Minier) - the tool will not only generate a basic charts that will help you to analyze your performance reports, but it will also create a JSON file with stripped sensitive information that can be than used for further analyzes (even if you want to upload it to a public LLM to get some insights - no one will blame you). At this symposium Kamil will show you how to use JAS-MIN and what you can read from it and Gianni will demonstrate how to use parsed reports in JSON format to get more in-depth results. We will talk about the performance and holistic approach that leads to understand how a database system is functioning and were are bottlenecks. Come and visit us and let's talk about finding correlations between SQLs, wait events instance statistics and load profile data! You can come with your own performance reports and we can analyze them togather. Or you can come with your own alcohol and share it with us. Will of course have our own reports to analyze and our own whiskey to share
Kamil Stawiarski
Gianni Ceresa

15:00 - 15:45
Track 1 Zooming in on macros rozwiń opis
SQL macros were introduced in Oracle database version 21c. You know, that version really nobody is
actually using. They backported *some* of the functionality to 19c, so you may have table expression
macros available in your daily work already.
But release of 23ai is getting closer and when POUG 2024 starts it could very well be generally available,
and with it the full power of SQL macros. So, it's high time to really delve into them.

SQL macros allow us to define bits and pieces of code (expressions/table expressions) that are placed
into the sql statement that references the macro.

Sounds great.
So, let's have a look at what types of SQL macros there are, what they could be used for and the syntax
of creating and using SQL macros. We will also have a look at how they compare to other options we have
to centralize definition of expressions and to make SQL statements more dynamic.
Do we now make everything a SQL macro, or are there reasons not to? What are the limitations of SQL macros?
Join this session to get those questions answered.
Erik van Roon
Track 2 What hackers 😇 can do to your Oracle Database if you don't patch rozwiń opis
This 100% live demo session will put you in the mind of Kamil's friends and show a real-world attack scenario, from the moment a cybercriminal enters your Oracle database server until he dominates all your company's data systems.
In this session, I will show different attack vectors, and vulnerabilities exploit that a hacker will use to explore database systems' weaknesses and how we could protect from each. This is a dynamic session, and the attendees will vote on which way the attack will be performed.
Rodrigo Jorge
Track 3 Big Brother Tracking Videos using APEX & OCI AI Services rozwiń opis
You've seen it in the movies and on TV. Big Brother is watching and tracking you. How can they do this? Let us bring you on a journey by building a Picture & Video Monitoring application using APEX and OCI AI Services. Along the way, we will illustrate the good, the bad and the ugly of how to do it.
Brendan Tierney
Øyvind Isene

16:00 - 16:45
Track 1 The Big Bind Theory rozwiń opis
In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded.
Oracle started to extend, ushering in a new era. Initially, simple literals began to take shape. With the expansion of Oracle and the increase in the complexity of the Database World grew, new, more advanced forms of features emerged- :bind variables. Although invisible, sometimes we can subtly peek at them. These mysterious creatures play a crucial role in system performance. Over time, they evolve into more intelligent forms and significantly impact cardinality calculations, parsing process and cursor sharing functionality. Without them, we would live in a Hard Parse World with great parsing overhead!
:Bind variables are fearful and unpredictable, easy to misunderstand. Knowing them is essential for optimizing database performance.
Let’s trace for :bind variables and try to understand their habits and essential contributions to the ecosystem of the Database World: advance cursor sharing, statistics, histogram, cardinality calculations, parsing and more.
Maybe you'll discover things that will surprise you!
It’s POUG - let’s DEMO!
Monika Lewandowska
Track 2 Migrating the Beast - 180TB size, 15TB redo per day, and data types from outer space rozwiń opis
Want to see the most challenging migration our team has ever been with? Then this is for you. Exotic data types? Tons of redo? Five standbys, some of them in 2500km distance? And of course, moving from Big to Little Endianness.
Mike Dietrich
Track 3 5 Tips for Being a Top Expert rozwiń opis
British people like myself find it very hard to say “I am good at what I do”, and almost impossible to say “I am very good at what I do”. Now that I am retired, I can at long last say “I was very, very good at what I did”.
I can’t promise I can tell you how to be as awesome as I was, but I think I can tell you how to be better than you are at the moment. And hopefully have a laugh along the way. It’s got to be worth an hour of your time, hasn’t it? And you must be tired of all the tech talk by now!
Beer is recommended for this talk.
I might sneak in some tech...
Martin Widlake

17:00 - 17:45
Track 1 3 problems - 3 strategies rozwiń opis
Taking a high-level view there are only three reasons why you may be called to address a performance problem.

A specific task takes too long to complete
A "batch" process recently over-ran its SLA
"The system" is too slow

The fastest solution starts by picking the strategy that suits the problem.
Jonathan Lewis
Track 2 Measuring what an Oracle DB is really doing with eBPF rozwiń opis
Online session
Tanel Põder


Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Lab Track

09:00 - 09:45
Track 1 Elastyczność platformy IBM Power
Sławek Rysak
Track 2 APEX will make you sweat! A job well done or embarrassment - good and bad practices at APEX!
Dominik Grabiński

10:00 - 10:45
Track 1 Simplifying DevOps with APEX and Autonomous Database rozwiń opis
Jumping into a new ecosystem presents many challenges, while we are learning the new functionalities of the platform, certain processes also need to be established for an efficient development pipeline, learn how you can implement DevOps directly in your database without using any external tools!
Piotr Kurzynoga
Track 2 Automated monitoring of Data Guard Fast-Start failover rozwiń opis
In this presentation we look at different metrics and data sources that are essential for making sure that databases in Data Guard FSFO configuration are healthy and able to take on the traffic from the client applications in case of problems - with the end goal of automation and alerting in mind.
Ilmar Kerm
Track 3 Orchestration of automatic patching of Oracle databases along with GRID infrastructure based on Ansible. rozwiń opis
This presentation aims to clarify how Oracle database patching is managed using Ansible automation. It covers the explanation of Ansible code responsible for coordinating and executing playbooks on database servers, with strong focus on gathering information before and in the middle of runtime. It introduces a description of strategy of how patching automation was split into three phases: pre-patch, patch, post-patch with detailed explanation why such approach was used based on case study of RAC cluster database switchover to newly provisioned golden image home.
The authors discuss how to cover RAC, R1N, single instance databases with Ansible playbooks and what pitfalls can occur. Orchestration of the whole solution was combined into two application entities, scheduler with functionality of gathering approvals and AWX as executor. Main aim of such an approach is to focus on scheduling the patching process and reacting to its failures instead of emphasizing only its execution.
Paweł Mastalski
Tomasz Zagrajek
Lab Track Select AI Funhouse with 23ai rozwiń opis
In Oracle Database 23ai, you can write SQL like this: SELECT AI What are the top 3 best selling products in June 2017; And you'll get output like: PRODUCT_NAME TOTAL_SOLD -------------------- ---------- Summer in India 78 Monks and Nuns 54 Der Helle Kumpel 52 Let's have a Select AI Funhouse - join me for an hour of just throwing prompts at Select AI. Can we together find out how to phrase prompts to create advanced SQL? Can we make it use analytic functions? Row pattern matching? Pivoting? This'll be unprepared and interactive - you'll supply the prompts, I'll work the keyboard. Let's see if we can figure out whether the above made the AI execute this: SELECT P.NAME AS PRODUCT_NAME, SUM(MS.QTY) AS TOTAL_SOLD FROM PRACTICAL.MONTHLY_SALES MS JOIN PRACTICAL.PRODUCTS P ON MS.PRODUCT_ID = P.ID WHERE TO_CHAR(MS.MTH, 'YYYY-MM') = '2017-06' GROUP BY P.NAME ORDER BY TOTAL_SOLD DESC FETCH FIRST 3 ROWS ONLY; Or this: SELECT p.NAME AS product_name, SUM(o.QTY) AS total_sold FROM PRACTICAL.ORDERS ord JOIN PRACTICAL.ORDERLINES o ON ord.ID = o.ORDER_ID JOIN PRACTICAL.PRODUCTS p ON o.PRODUCT_ID = p.ID WHERE TO_CHAR(ord.ORDERED, 'YYYY-MM') = '2017-06' GROUP BY p.NAME ORDER BY total_sold DESC FETCH FIRST 3 ROWS ONLY;
Kim Berg Hansen

11:00 - 11:45
Track 1 Estimate the boost'able areas of your SQL rozwiń opis
Example of SQL profiling accompanied by primary school level math.
TEMP, Flash, ASH, SQL and battle with time.
How much time can you gain when you change your SQL *without* even running it?
Piotr Sajda
Track 2 distributed databases, what to expect. rozwiń opis
The next trend (hype?) is : Clustered, serverless, distributed, sharded, replicated, databases.
A lot of buzzwords, and I have omitted “multi-cloud”, “raft” and “vector”.
We’ll try to find out how various vendors interpret those (buzz)words and how/when these are useful.
Piet de Visser
Track 3 Using good friends — Prometheus and Grafana — to monitor Oracle database rozwiń opis
There is many ways to monitor an Oracle database and I would like to present how to add a database monitoring to the existing monitoring stack based on the Prometheus and Grafana.
Marcin Przepiorowski

12:00 - 12:45
Track 1 Oracle Performance Troubleshooting - real cases rozwiń opis
I would like to present a couple of performance cases and share with the audience my approach how to find the issue and fix it.
The presentation will contain real scenarios.
Bartosz Zielinski
Track 2 Guardians of the Data - Protecting Oracle Backups from Ransomware and Malicious Intent rozwiń opis
Over the last few years we have seen an increasing number of Ransomware attacks, impacting all industries, with no targets it seems off-limits.

In this presentation I will discuss the need for a multi-layered approach and share some of the ways we can protect our backups from Ransomware attacks.
Ron Ekins
Track 3 Streamlined Analytics: Maximizing Oracle Database for In-Place Processing rozwiń opis
Maximize Oracle Database to cut data movement between OLTP and OLAP/DW. Use Materialized Views, In-Memory Store, and more to reduce network traffic, lower processing needs, and decrease data redundancy. Enhance efficiency and cut costs with streamlined, integrated analytics.
Franky Weber Faust

13:00 - 14:00
Track 1 LUNCH

14:00 - 14:45
Track 1 A Deep Dive View to the Performance of Views rozwiń opis
Once upon a time, views (and views on views on views) were one of the main reasons for performance problems in Oracle. Let’s take a look at how the Oracle optimizer has improved over the years and how it deals with views today to make them as fast as possible.
Dani Schnider
Track 2 The Great Unknown. All about NULL in the Oracle Database rozwiń opis
"NULL: three letters that can perplex even seasoned Oracle professionals."
Well, if that's ChatGPTs idea of an engaging title, I guess I'll have to do this the hard way!
Come learn (a little) about the history of NULL, and how best to deal with it as either DBA or Developer.
Aimed as an introductory course, but I suspect most will learn something new (for sure I did when preparing it). Worst case you get to feel smug, and enjoy some pictures of animals, some of them alive.
Patrick Jolliffe
Track 3 APEX CI/CD from the trenches rozwiń opis
Learn how we set up a development and deployment process using SQLcl, Liquibase and GitLab that doesn't slow down your development speed.
Roel Hartman
Lab Track “Where did I put my data – and why?”. A Symposium on boosting performance when other techniques fail. rozwiń opis
Back in the day there was a step in the formal design process called “physical implementation”. Part of this was to consider how the storage of data could be controlled, to aid performance. Of course, some things should be left “back in the day”. No one cares about which sectors of your hard discs are used by each datafile, or using specific tablespaces to spread IO load anymore. And no one should. But the use of things like Index Organised Tables, Materialized Views, overloaded indexes, even ordered CTAS can still solve performance issues that nothing else will help. Some of my greatest performance “successes” have been achieved using them and I know other experts still use these and other “ancient” techniques. They still work very, very well. Plus there are new techniques that Oracle has introduced like Zone Maps and join attribute mapping. Is anyone using them? What about storage indexes on Exadata – how do you make the most of them? In this session we will have a beer or two (or a coffee or two) and discuss what does and does not work, and why. Are some of us just dinosaurs or are there things we should be dusting off and showing people how to use?
Martin Widlake

15:00 - 15:45
Track 1 Roam with the Beast: Let the Oracle Cost-Based Optimizer run! rozwiń opis
In this presentation, we delve into the heart of Oracle Database's Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO), and explore why allowing it to roam freely leads to optimal long-term query performance.

Discover why the key to unlocking the CBO's potential lies not in restraining it with hints or profiles but in empowering it with a wealth of knowledge. We'll explore the art of crafting strategic indexes, harnessing the power of statistics, and other ingenious meta-information techniques to guide the CBO's decision-making process. Learn how to keep the optimizer dynamic and responsive, adapting to evolving data landscapes without sacrificing performance.

Buckle up as we deal with 10 operations having a reputation of being "bad" or "slow" – from Hash Joins to Table Access Full – that might sound like performance pitfalls. But, in truth, they can be powerful allies when orchestrated under the right circumstances.

Join us on a journey where seemingly bad choices transform into performance triumphs, demonstrating that in the realm of Oracle optimization, knowledge is power, and the true mastery lies in understanding and supporting the CBO rather than attempting to control its every move. Rule less, optimize more!
Martin Klier
Track 2 Oracle Transactions - more than meets the eye rozwiń opis
Explaining the details of Oracle transaction internals, with all of the horrors of block dumps.
Neil Chandler
Track 3 ORDS in depth rozwiń opis
The Oracle Rest API has been there for some years and gets new releases frequently.
In addition to the possibility to create your own endpoints, you can also use the db-api endpoints.
These are used for DBA Tasks like creating a new CDB or adding a new PDB but it can also be used to get performance information out of the database (e.g. ASH information).
But what is Oracle doing under the hood? What needs to be considered while using these APIs?
Julian Frey

16:00 - 16:45
Track 1 A summary of the most useful new SQL features in 23ai rozwiń opis
Oracle 23ai brings in many improvements and new features to SQL language. In this session I'll cover the ones that I find the most useful and the ones that will make your life easier. We'll not cover all the details, but it'll be a good starting point to inspire and present some use-cases.
Andrzej Nowicki
Track 2 Let's trace it! Peeking into the inner workings of Oracle with bpftrace. rozwiń opis
This presentation will show you how to leverage bpftrace to explore the fascinating inner workings of Oracle.
Christoph Lutz
Track 3 What's Our Vector, Victor? Navigating AI Vector Searches in Oracle 23ai rozwiń opis
Demystifying AI Vector Search in the Oracle database. What are vectors?

Prepare, generate and embed. New search operators and functions. Examples.

Vector distances + measurement methods. Similarity searches

Integrate with PL/SQL and APEX applications.
Niall Mc Phillips


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After party

After party will take place in the MK Bowling Club. Start: 9 PM.

Zostań sponsorem

POUG to nie tylko oficjalna społeczność Oracle – to przede wszystkim baza bardzo aktywnych użytkowników, angażujących się w rozwój grupy zarówno podczas samych spotkań, jak i w trakcie przygotowań do nich. Nasz przekaz dociera do blisko 400 osób związanych z bazami danych – od administratorów po deweloperów, od początkujących po ekspertów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem.

Dbamy o to, żeby nasi Partnerzy mieli możliwość zaprezentowania swoich marek i produktów w najlepszej możliwej atmosferze. Chętnie odpowiemy na pytania i rozwiejemy wątpliwości!
