POUG 2018

7-8.09.2018, Sopot

Zatoka Sztuki, Aleja Franciszka Mamuszki 14


Track 1
Track 2
Track 3

Track 1 Registration

Track 1 Lost in metrics, rescued by pandas rozwiń opis
Database consolidation brings another level to performance analysis. How to measure shared resources utilization, interaction between workloads and consolidation efficiency when running tens of databases on single Exadata or SuperCluster node? To address this challange you should consider tools like Enterprise Manager, BI Publisher or even Python language with Pandas - and I will show you them in practice.
Michał Wesołowski
Track 2 APEX - make it global! rozwiń opis
Terms "translation", "globalization" and "localization" are often used interchangeably, while the differences are quite significant. If we want to create professional international application we must not only care about language, but also about elements that appeal to regional or cultural preferences including text direction, formats, calendars etc.
During this presentation I will show:
- how localization process works
- how you can cover it in APEX using built-in features, plugins and open source projects like OraOpenSource and translate-apex.com
- how you can use good practice from video game industry to create international APEX applications.
Przemysław Staniszewski

Track 1 Oracle App Dev tools for Oracle Database, past, present and future rozwiń opis
You can’t see or modify data within a database without using some tool or driver. My job at Oracle is to provide productivity tools and data access technologies to simplify and improve application development with the Oracle database. This includes Oracle APEX, SQL Developer, JDBC, open source drivers, ORDS, and developer tools for .NET. All are free for use and work with our free Oracle XE database. In this session I will share how challenges are changing and discuss future direction at the intersection of application development and Oracle database.
Mike Hichwa

Track 1 DBAs versus Autonomous Databases rozwiń opis
Databases are going to the Cloud. Sooner or later. Most of them perhaps. How does this affect the DBA profession? Accenture conducted a battery of tests looking at Oracle databases in the cloud. Nearly half the world’s data runs on Oracle databases, making them a valuable focal point for such tests.
Julian Dontcheff
Track 2 Structuring an APEX application rozwiń opis
A well designed application should look beautiful and , maybe more essential, perform outstanding. In this session the focus is on the latter. With APEX it’s just too easy to make a mess of your application. Keep things structured and you’ll be happier.
Alex Nuijten
Track 3 Where is Waldo? The 0x memory leak edition - Published by Geek Press rozwiń opis
Everybody knows the children’s book series “Where is Waldo?” and how hard it can be to find this guy in his red-and-white-striped shirt, bobble hat and glasses. The same problem applies to finding memory leaks in Oracle. This will be an interactive talk and with help of the audience I will work out and demonstrate a systematic troubleshooting approach for finding memory leaks in Oracle. Together we will analyze and drill-down a memory leak bug in Oracle’s core/kernel code with help of a very simple and pretty common application case. Be prepared to find Waldo aka. the memory leak!
Stefan Koehler

Track 1 A Deep Dive into APEX JET Charts rozwiń opis
In this session we will take a closer look on the options the new JET Charting engine brings to the APEX world. There are a quite a lot of declarative options to explore, but also the JavaScript API is worthwhile to investigate.
Roel Hartman
Track 2 Docker for DBAs rozwiń opis
Container is a very hype and powerful concept. Oracle plans to invest heavily in this container world. In the cloud and by officially supporting database on docker. In this session, you will learn the docker internals and how you can use it to deploy your database environment in seconds.
Yves Colin
Track 3 Parallel Execution rozwiń opis
We will first start with the parallel execution concepts, why do we need it and get understanding where we can benefit from parallel processing. Once we cover the architecture and build a solid ground we dive into more details.
Ivica Arsov

Track 1 Geospatial 101 - Demistifying Spatial Databases rozwiń opis
The Oracle Database handles geo-spatial and location information since many years. But the technology still remains mysterious to many developers. This session will demystify what it is all about. Come learn the jargon and speak GIS like a pro! Learn how to use spatial data in your day to day work.
Albert Godfrind
Track 2 The basics of Machine Learning rozwiń opis
What is Machine Learning and why should I care? In this session we will talk about the basic concepts of Machine Learning.
Heli Helskyaho
Track 3 Oracle GoldenGate parallel replication internals rozwiń opis
Have you ever thought how parallel transaction replication internally works? How OGG ensures that all transactions are replicated in spite of using multi-threading and changed apply order. Let’s go into the internals and find out yourself how it is done in details.
Adam Leszczyński

Track 1 5 Things Developers do that Drive Me Crazy rozwiń opis
Thanks to developers the DBA has a job he can go to. Usually we DBAs love our jobs, and we can feel progress in our projects. But after three years in one project, I realised that a few habits never go away. This presentation is about what the DBA can do to make the daily life in a project bearable.
Øyvind Isene
Track 2 Getting acquainted with a model rozwiń opis
Taking the first steps in understanding the model clause.
Erik van Roon
Track 3 Deployment automatisation process for Oracle Database
Paweł Chyliński

Track 1 Effective Oracle Home Management with the New Release Model rozwiń opis
How many companies can afford patching their environments regularly? Patching and maintaining a big amount of Oracle Databases is perceived as complex by most companies. Is there a way to make patching simpler and more controlled? What are the best (and worst) practices for Oracle Home maintenance? What are the challenges of the new release model that will bring us one new major release per year?
In this session, we will explain some ideas to improve Oracle Home management and database patching, as well as practical examples of automated environments, live demos included!
Ludovico Caldara
Track 2 Customizing Universal Theme templates rozwiń opis
Starting with Oracle APEX 5 we can develop APEX applications using Universal Theme. Customers high requirements shows that it needs improvments and I will show you how to extend UT GRID columns, enhance templates for APEX components and fulfill requirements using report, and region custom templates.
Bartosz Ostrowski
Track 3 Incremental Statistics: From a Nightmare to a Fast Solution rozwiń opis
Have you ever tried to gather incremental statistics on a database with more than 300000 partitions? With Oracle 12.1, this can be a nightmare. Fortunately, Oracle 12.2 provides new methods for synopsis calculation and more flexibility in the configuration of gathering incremental statistics.
Dani Schnider

Track 1 Join Methods: Nested Loop, Hash, Sort, Merge, Adaptive rozwiń opis
This is about the basics: the join methods. Not really new, but the core stuff that must be understood for any SQL query tuning. The approach is with a maximum of live demos: SQL Monitoring in slow motion too see how the rows are processed by each operation in the execution plan.
Franck Pachot
Track 2 Increase your programming confidence by using Unit Tests. rozwiń opis
Everybody knows how important testing is, but hardly any developer writes repeatable tests. Sure we create tests to make sure our code works, but this is hardly repeatable. This session will show you how Unit Testing can help your developers getting more productive and confident about their code.
Patrick Barel
Track 3 Plugins Unplugged - Revised rozwiń opis
Unplug yourself from APEX’s declarative limits! But APEX declarative functionality is limited, not providing the full capabilities of what is possible with web technologies these days. Fortunately APEX offers a mechanism to expand functionality in a declarative way: Plugins.
Christian Rokitta

Track 1 Using SQL Translation Framework to Rewrite SQL on the Fly
Kerry Osborne
Track 2 What is new in Multitenant 12.2
Jože Senegačnik

Track 1 Afterparty


Track 1
Track 2
Track 3

Track 1 Registration

Track 1 Privilege elevation in the oracle cloud: more access is easier than you thought possible rozwiń opis
Sometimes making a mistake leads you towards a nice experience. Did you know that when you don’t protect your Cloud interfaces properly or don’t implement security rules in a decent manner you can take over all the Virtual Machines? It’s possible even without knowing what the environment looks like.
Pieter Van Puymbroeck
Track 2 Cloud Applications HCM build your own chatbot
Debra Lilley
Track 3 Defaults Bloody Defaults rozwiń opis
Oracle keep saying default setup of their database works well most of the time. But some of those defaults lead to different issues often enough to question why it is done this way. This talk will be about such defaults.
Timur Akhmadeev

Track 1 Database Copy Data Management with Ansible rozwiń opis
In this session Ron will share how Ansible can be used to reduce time to market, improve quality and increase development productivity by automating Database cloning with DevOPS processes and Open Source software, Ron will share code examples and deliver live demos throughout the presentation.
Ron Ekins
Track 2 Accelerating Joins and Aggregations with Oracle In-Memory rozwiń opis
The Oracle Database In-Memory option accelerates analytic queries by orders of magnitude, using techniques like SIMD to optimize joins and aggregations over star-like schemas. This talk will be conducted as a tutorial (with internals exposed) to help end-users maximize performance with In-Memory.
Shasank Chavan
Track 3 GDPR & You: The Nightmare Disproved with Graphs rozwiń opis
GDPR: 4 letters, an acronym being a nightmare for many companies. For the first time companies are really required to manage their data storage, workflows, security processes and processing. This session is about how graph database can support a GDPR compliance assessment.
Gianni Ceresa

Track 1 Using JSON in Oracle rozwiń opis
JSON is good looking, smart, even sexy. Everything you want from data. But it’s not just for NOSQL databases without commitment. Make JSON sexy, relational and durable. Yes! It’s time to marry JSON.

Oh God, what am I doing here?
Neil Chandler
Track 2 PL/SQL Secure Coding Practices rozwiń opis
This presentation focuses on the issues behind the insecure code out in the wild. We will move through sql injection attacks and how they occur and the coding methods to defend against sql injection.
Rob Lockard
Track 3 The power of Linux advanced tracer rozwiń opis
This session is about demonstrating the superpower of some Linux advanced tracer with a special focus on how PMU performance events can be used to dig deeper into CPU utilization.

As someone said :

“Knowing what can be done is more important than knowing how to do it - you can always google that”
Hatem Mahmoud

Track 1 Guarding your data behind a hard shell PL/SQL API—the detail rozwiń opis
My “Why Use PL/SQL?” appealed to abstract principles of computer science. Now I tell you in detail how to ensure that the hard shell of the database’s PL/SQL API is impenetrable. I address code organization and show how to honor the principle of least privilege—both at run-time and at install-time.
Bryn Llewellyn
Track 2 Deploying K8s cluster on Oracle Cloud using Terraform not only for ISV rozwiń opis
Learn how to deploy K8s cluster using Terraform module provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that provisions the necessary resources for Oracle Container Engine. You will see how to create the basic cloud infrastructure (VCNs, subnets, security lists etc.), cluster, node pools and optional installation of Istio using Helm.
Łukasz Klimas
Track 3 Python chatting with Oracle rozwiń opis
DBA role is changing and keeping up with new tools can make your life easier. This presentation will show you how easy is to build a simple “chat” script to manage database but also will show you a modern tools used by developers which can be adopted to Oracle DBA role.
Marcin Przepiorowski

Track 1 SmartDB: What worked and what did not work. rozwiń opis
Discuss the Smart-DB concept, a database-centered architecture: Good and Bad. From the monitoring of several systems (Statspack, AWR, OEM and Lab128) we show symptoms, we show diagnose and suggest fixes.

Attendees will gain understanding of SmartDB and will make better decisions about SmartDB.
Piet de Visser
Track 2 "Graph Analysis and Graph Pattern Matching – a Journey from SQL to NoSQL and back" rozwiń opis
In this talk we’ll show how graph analysis can be combined with the Oracle Database. We will look at the load distribution between the in-memory analytics engine and the database, as well as how to run graph algorithms, execute pattern matching queries and visualize the results.
Hans Viehmann
Track 3 GoldenGate: a Live Introduction rozwiń opis
This presentation will encourage and empower Oracle Database Administrators to start using GoldenGate.

Attendees will go from knowing absolutely nothing about GoldenGate to being able to install, configure and begin to use it.
Patrick Hurley

Track 1 Why I picked Postgres over Oracle? rozwiń opis
I have invested nearly a quarter of a century working with Oracle technology, yet I made a crucial switch. In this talk I want to take you through some of the considerations of this change and perhaps show that picking Postgres over Oracle makes sense…
Jan Karremans
Track 2 Questions of Identity - Single Sign-On to Oracle Databases with Kerberos rozwiń opis
If your users are already logged into Windows and you’re asking them for a separate database username and password , then in my opinion you’re doing it wrong.
This session will show that there is a better way, and walk you through the steps to implement it.
Patrick Jolliffe
Track 3 SecureFiles - the hidden storage organisation inside of LOB segments” rozwiń opis
SecureFile LOBs have their own storage organisation. Beside the known UNDO handling there is more ongoing when LOBs are stored or modified. And it’s totally missing in the concepts guide. Get an entry point in this second way of Oracles logical storage organisation and it’s main components.
Martin Berger

Track 1 Dig Deep Down into Upgrade and Migration Issues rozwiń opis
How to diagnose a failed Database Upgrade? How to avoid the most common Database Migration pitfalls?

Internal information directly from the Oracle Upgrade Development Team based on thousands of upgrades and migrations.

True facts! No marketing involved! Full color slides! And maybe German beer!
Mike Dietrich
Track 2 "When 7-bit ASCII ain’t enough - about NLS, Collation, Charsets, Unicode and such" rozwiń opis
A-Z in upper and lower case isn’t enough in a global world, you need to support all sorts of textual data. Oracle database can handle most of it, but there are pitfalls to be aware of - even using Unicode that should handle everything. Learn about NLS and collation and converting charactersets.
Kim Berg Hansen
Track 3 A day in the life of the log writer rozwiń opis
Some say happiness is a warm tracefile. However, tracing the log writer will not show a lot of details.

This talk deep dives into the what the log writer is truly doing when it is not sleeping on a semaphore. Deep dive means c function call level and memory access level.
Frits Hoogland

Track 1 So, my query plan says “Table Access Full” - what happens next? rozwiń opis
This talk will look at how Oracle Table Scans work and everything the DBA needs to know to manage performance: how PQ works; handling of chained rows; how the system decides whether to use buffer cache to direct read; and, what wait events and stats to look at and how to trace what is happening.
Roger MacNicol
Track 2 Next Generation Oracle ACFS - What, Why, and How rozwiń opis
This session offers a deep dive of ACFS architecture and its functionalities and features, comprehending the product evolution until today with the latest generation what it has to offer.
Ricardo Gonzalez
Track 3 Implementing incremental forever strategy for Oracle database backups rozwiń opis
When databases get ever larger, backing them up using traditional tools will quickly get unfeasible, it requires too much time and resources, the same also applies to restores. Here we go into detail on how to implement incremental-forever backup strategy and on how to build advanced features on top
Ilmar Kerm

Track 1 Discussion panel



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Zostań sponsorem

POUG to nie tylko oficjalna społeczność Oracle – to przede wszystkim baza bardzo aktywnych użytkowników, angażujących się w rozwój grupy zarówno podczas samych spotkań, jak i w trakcie przygotowań do nich. Nasz przekaz dociera do blisko 400 osób związanych z bazami danych – od administratorów po deweloperów, od początkujących po ekspertów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem.

Dbamy o to, żeby nasi Partnerzy mieli możliwość zaprezentowania swoich marek i produktów w najlepszej możliwej atmosferze. Chętnie odpowiemy na pytania i rozwiejemy wątpliwości!
