POUG2022, 9-10 września

Konferencja hybrydowa (wszystke sesje on-site + streaming)


Track 1
Track 2

Track 1 Rejestracja

Track 1 Otwarcie konferencji z partnerem głównym - firmą Advatech

Track 1 Zero Downtime Migration - A simple way of migrating Oracle databases to OCI rozwiń opis
Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) is Oracle's tool for the simplified and automated migration of your on-premises Oracle Database to Oracle Cloud or Exadata.
ZDM supports a wide range of Oracle Database versions and, as the name implies, allows the database migration with zero to insignificant downtime, depending on the migration scenario.
I will describe different migration methods and technologies, that ZDM uses under the hood and I will show you how to easily configure ZDM and move database to OCI.
Jakub Pitera
Track 2 Low-code platforms for APEX developers rozwiń opis
Low-code platforms are getting more popular, and according to Gartner, even 25% of all applications will be created using these tools by 2023. It is a big opportunity for Oracle APEX but also a challenge as many other low-code tools in the market can be selected by customers instead.

Outsystems, Mendix, MS PowerApps, PEGA, and many, many more... How can APEX be better than them? In which areas are they better, and how can you get the same advantages in APEX to convince your client?
Przemysław Staniszewski

Track 1 Oracle DbNest Inside Out rozwiń opis
This session will be a deep dive into Oracle DbNest and beyond. We will look at the underling technologies used as a building block for our DbNest container (Linux namespaces/Seccomp/Cgroups/etc) and as Bonus we will also build an isolated container application from scratch Live !
Hatem Mahmoud
Track 2 Analytics Semantic Modeler - A new age of metadata modeling rozwiń opis
A cross-platform web-based interface? Native GIT support for DevOps integration? This is everything the Oracle Analytics Administration tool wasn’t like, but… The new Semantic Modeler gives you this and much more, taking modeling to the next level and a new era after 10+ without changes.
Gianni Ceresa

Track 1 Don't lose your wheels on HA rozwiń opis
Hello POUG! I’m newbie italian speaker, i like beer and i brew for my own. In this talk i want to share my experience on the field about Transparent Application Continuity and the journey from the developer (my co-presenter) and DBA. The session will be mostly a live demo.
Daniele Bocciolini
Andrea Lauri
Track 2 Get to know your program by instrumentation rozwiń opis
This session shows how easy it is to instrument your code using the Open Source Logger Framework, so you can trace the steps in production without having to install a new piece of code.
Patrick Barel

Track 1 "StandBy-Database Shootout - PostgreSQL vs. Oracle" rozwiń opis
Using PostgreSQL in high-available environments is always based on replication and standby databases. There isn’t and probably won’t ever be an equivalent alternative to solutions like Oracle Real Application Cluster regarding scaling out the database service on multiple active nodes. Multi-master-replication solutions with PostgreSQL are somehow pointing in this direction but only in special scenarios. As the most hyped target for migrations from Oracle the comparison to Oracle Data Guard is inevitable. In this talk a direct comparison will show similarities, differences and the advantages or disadvantages of both worlds in detail including the relevance of additional PostgreSQL solutions like Patroni or repmgr.
Dirk Krautschick
Track 2 "The One Where they talk about Performance Tuning at the CENTRAL PERK" rozwiń opis
Performance tuning is a topic that every DBA and developer should be familiar with. In this session, I will discuss different performance related cases, best practices and more. I will show how important it is for a DBA and Developer to work together to solve issues and “maybe” even become FRIENDS.
Rishin Mitra

Track 1 Lunch

Track 1 "Monitor your databases with Percona Monitoring and Management tool" rozwiń opis
Is your infrastructure composed by a mix of Oracle products and Open Source? Do you want to have a single monitoring tool which supports in the same way several database technologies? Do you need to ensure that your system’s healthy is good and to spot your performance issues at a glance?
Elisa Usai
Track 2 "Getting started with unit testing PLSQL using utPLSQL" rozwiń opis
utPLSQL allows you to easily develop tests for your PLSQL and rerun those tests after any change. If testing everything again after a small change is a matter of a click of a button, it’s no use anymore to skip testing things because “Nah, the change can’t possibly influence this part of the code”.
Erik van Roon

Track 1 Oracle (Active) Data Guard in Action. 100% Console, 0% Slides! rozwiń opis
Join this live-demo session and learn how to configure Data Guard, create services for Transparent Application Continuity, convert to snapshot standby, switchover. During the session, I will also demonstrate other Active Data Guard features like DML redirection, Real-Time Query, Automatic Block Repair, and, if enough time, Far Sync.
Ludovico Caldara
Track 2 "Planning my Summer Vacation using Python and Machine Learning" rozwiń opis
I’m planning the family summer vacation. This year I’m using Python, Machine Learning and Cloud Services to plan the vacation. Combining the outputs of the Python Machine Learning the live demo will show that machine learning is only part of a solution. Also includes Oracle Cloud
Brendan Tierney

Track 1 Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL: easy-peasy rozwiń opis
Did you ever consider migrating your Oracle database to PostgreSQL? If yes, then this talk may be just the right thing for you.
The talk is divided in two parts: in the first (shorter) part we will see why you should consider migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL.
In the second part we demo the migration of an Oracle sample database. We show how the CYBERTEC Migrator Standard Edition (a free tool) simplifies such migrations.

Check more: https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/products/cybertec-migrator/
Max Hofer
Track 2 Stop editing code in Production database - a journey from 90's to CICD rozwiń opis
Source control in databases is a difficult problem. There are tools to help but none of those is fully addressing all challenges of applying changes to databases. This presentation is based on a real life example and shows a story of moving from direct code edit on production to CICD pipeline.
Marcin Przepiorowski

Track 1 This is a hacking session that looks into postgres and the yugabyte database. rozwiń opis
This talk is aimed at architects and administrators of traditional databases, who wonder what a distributed database is, what YugabyteDB is and why SQL databases had to be re-invented.
Frits Hoogland
Track 2 Git for Oracle Developers and DBAs rozwiń opis
Git is currently the most popular Version Control System, used very successfully by numerous projects around the world. This talk, aimed at Oracle developers and DBAs, shows how to use it to good effect.
Martin Bach

Track 1 Koniec ścieżki 1
Track 2 "Fundamental Oracle Security – What Many Of You Are Not Doing" rozwiń opis
There are some easy and straightforward changes which you can make to your Oracle database which will make it more secure, harder to exploit and, in the unfortunate even of a data breach, give you a chance of noticing what happened!
Neil Chandler


Track 1
Track 2
Track 3

Track 1 From Exadata to ExaCC, what do you need to know? rozwiń opis
ExaCC Gen 2 is the shiny toy from Oracle, but how shiny is it? In this session, I will show some important technical details about this new ExaCC world. Let’s discuss how to (or if is possible) create databases using ExaCC/OCI tools, JSON, database domains, and several other details that can help you to decide to use (or not) the ExaCC.
But not just that, architecture datils for CPU scaleup and (maybe) down, caveats for binary deployment, and several other things. And forgot about the marketing session, here I will talk and show real life.
Fernando Simon
Track 2 Building a hybrid cloud using VMware in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Konrad Slezak

Track 1 19c New Features are cool (also for attackers) rozwiń opis
This 100% live demo session will take you into the mind of a hacker and show a real-world attack scenario exploring 3 new features introduced on 19c, when poorly implemented by sysadmins.
Rodrigo Jorge
Track 2 "Why very wide tables are a very bad idea and how to make them less bad" rozwiń opis
Disc is cheap, “people” want to see all of their data in one place and they want it to be very easy to query it. So let’s grab all the data across our systems and put it in one, massive, “simple” data swamp…lake… and query it.

And performance sucks.

One reason for this is those tables of 300+ columns, which most people do not even realise could be a problem.

I’ll explain why they are a problem, why they can actually become a crippling problem, and how you can fix it. Or, at least, live with it.
Martin Widlake
Track 3 “Am I evil? Yes I am! - a.k.a. the Cloud Hacking Session Workshop”
Kamil Stawiarski

Track 1 One Goal – Different Approaches: Performance Tuning in Practice rozwiń opis
“Make it faster!” is a simple request we get every day, but it’s often hard to deliver. There are numerous methods, books & reports. But still it’s not simple or straight forward. Dani and Martin will tackle some “problems” - and challenge each other why and how to make their analysis.
Martin Berger
Dani Schnider
Track 2 Dream the Stream : High Velocity Event Processing with a Converged Database rozwiń opis
Event stream processing is a rapidly growing category of workloads including IoT, Timeseries, Clickstream, Quality Control, Security, Auditing, Metrics, and Monitoring, etc. Analysts estimate the market to grow to $4B USD by 2027! One industry trend has been to use purpose-built stream processing engines for these workloads. This approach, however, sacrifices most of the advantages of an industrial-strength database platform. In this talk, we’ll discuss the key aspects of streaming workloads and the requirements of effective stream processing engines, and then show how the many capabilities of the Oracle Database, such as Native JSON support, RAC, Parallel Query, ILM (Information Lifecycle Management) Policies, In-Memory Columnar processing and Advanced Analytics, come together to provide an ideal streaming architecture on a converged database.
Shasank Chavan
Roger MacNicol

Track 1 My struggles with reference partitioning rozwiń opis
I inherited a star-table structure with reference partitioning. With a few billion rows in the tables, we wanted to do partition splits. This is the story of how it was supposed to be done, what we really ended up doing, and what attribute clustering can do to performance.
Vidar Eidissen
Track 2 APEX APIs Reloaded rozwiń opis
Want to do something a bit outside of what APEX offers directly? Not sure how to ensure easier upgrades even with custom code? Then this session is for you. Come with me on a treasure hunt within the APEX APIs and learn how to create enhancement to your applications but still stay close to standard.
Moritz Klein

Track 1 Lunch

Track 1 The lifecycle of a humble row
Roger MacNicol
Track 2 The Blair Witch (DB) Project rozwiń opis
Good database design is critical to the performance and quality of systems. Unfortunately, sometimes something goes wrong. During the session, I will show you the scariest design solutions that Liron Amitzi and I have come across in our careers. Lots of hair-raising examples, lots of blood - pure horror!
Monika Lewandowska

Track 1 Guardians of the Data - Protecting Oracle Backups from Ransomware and Malicious Intent rozwiń opis
Over the last few years we have seen an increasing number of Ransomware attacks, impacting all industries, with no targets it seems off-limits.

In this presentation I will discuss the need for a multi-layered approach and share some of the ways we can protect our backups from Ransomware attacks.
Ron Ekins
Track 2 Falling BETWEEN the Cracks Of Cost-Based OR Expansion rozwiń opis
A simple test case, modeled on a real-world query, will be shown where this transformation resulted in a terrible plan. Assuming some familiarity of the Cost Based Optimizer (but a review of the information necessary will be included), we'll see exactly where it went wrong.
Patrick Jolliffe

Track 1 "Pour old wine in new bottles or ""Pour antique Oracle DBA skills in Ansible""" rozwiń opis
I am an outdated ordinary Oracle DBA. How can I play catch-up but still take advantage of all the hard-earned knowledge over the years? I’ll show you how you can easily use Ansible to automate most of your boring Oracle DBA tasks: DB creation, export/import, migrations, patchings …
Flora Barriele
Track 2 Partitioning, Cool Tricks and Snags. rozwiń opis
The possibilities of partitioning, especially in an Oracle DB, are huge, and the temptation to do something High-Tech is always there. We’ll go over some of the tricks we tried with “Partitioning” and how they helped us. We will also confess the items that didnt work.

Spoiler: Design!
Piet de Visser

Track 1 Migrating a TB Database from 11g Windows to 19c Linux in less than an hour rozwiń opis
Upgrading a database with plattform migration is always challenging especially if you should hav a very short downtime. There are many ways to do this. In a recent project I used Transportable Tablespace for that. I’ll show how I did this and what could go wrong.
Julian Frey
Track 2 Anatomy of a distributed SQL database (YugabyteDB) rozwiń opis
We like to understand how a database works. What is better than an open-source DB that was engineered with modern technology? Let’s deep dive into the technology used by the YugabyteDB distributed storage and transactions engine, and the use of PostgreSQL on top of it.
Franck Pachot

Track 1 Koniec ścieżki 1
Track 2 SQL Syntax: Oracle vs. ANSI. Fight! rozwiń opis
Debates over whether it is better to use Oracle syntax or ANSI in your SQL rage on the internet. It is time to settle these once and for all! In the blue corner, Alex will champion ANSI style. And in the red corner, Chris will defend Oracle syntax. In a best-of-three battle, covering joins, functions and recursive queries they will each highlight the benefits of their chosen style. This session is for developers looking to expand their SQL skills and understand the pros and cons of the syntax methods.
Alex Nuijten
Chris Saxon


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After party

After party odbędzie się w klubie Antidotum 9 września od 21:00.

Zostań sponsorem

POUG to nie tylko oficjalna społeczność Oracle – to przede wszystkim baza bardzo aktywnych użytkowników, angażujących się w rozwój grupy zarówno podczas samych spotkań, jak i w trakcie przygotowań do nich. Nasz przekaz dociera do blisko 400 osób związanych z bazami danych – od administratorów po deweloperów, od początkujących po ekspertów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem.

Dbamy o to, żeby nasi Partnerzy mieli możliwość zaprezentowania swoich marek i produktów w najlepszej możliwej atmosferze. Chętnie odpowiemy na pytania i rozwiejemy wątpliwości!
