When: 1-2.09.2017

Where: Kraków, Stara Zajezdnia

CFP: Papercall.io/pougv


Track 1
Track 2

Track 1 Registration

Track 1 Opening

Track 1 Advatech session: Coherent future of data(base) expand description
Deep dive into planning, architecture and implementation of robust, scale-out abstraction layer that allows you to offload database workload and consolidate data in heterogeneous environments.
Meet growing demands and prepare your data for modern applications with high-performance, real-time processing grid based on Oracle Coherence!
Track 2 VOODOO - the black magic of cheep cross-database replication expand description
The history why we wrote our own replication tool between Oracle and PostgreSQL with a bit of low level archivelog architecture explanation.

- We should buy a bar!
- Of course we should buy a bar!!! Brilliant why we didn’t think about it earlier!?
- Do you have a few hundred thousand euros?
- A pint then?
- A pint then.

We all want to have a bar and drive Porsche... But in most of the cases we can afford only a few pints and drive with VW. Replication engines are expensive and buying something like Golden Gate when you only have SE database and you want to replicate it to PostgreSQL is like buying a single malt to make Cola taste more bearable. That’s why we wrote our own replicator tool. A simple one. A cheep one. Nothing fancy. But it works. And we will use this subject as an excuse to show some low level archivelog tricks.

It will be a live demo, showing how to resolve replication problems in heterogenous database environment without spending lots of money

Track 1 Memory access Tracing/Profiling expand description
Using dynamic instrumentation tools like systemtap/perf/eBPF/intel pin/etc for troubleshooting performance/functional problem and for getting a deeper understanding of the internal working of the oracle database is becoming more common nowadays. Basically this tools can be used to trace/profile function calls,arguments,stack traces, memory access,hardware/software events and many others stuffs.In this session i will show different ways for tracing/profiling memory access with some use cases such as Troubleshooting Latch Contention using sytemtap,Unhiding user/dblink password using intel pin and Reverse engineering db link password decryption.
Hatem Mahmoud
Track 2 How to instrument your code easy and effectively (and why!) expand description
Do you measure how your code is performing? Do you have the right info at hand when your program fails? Can you monitor your program while running?

This session is all about instrumenting your PL/SQL code, be it inside an APEX application or in a pure PL/SQL environment. What are the alternatives to the very common hand-knitted or organically grown solutions? We are going to look at a few open-source frameworks and analyze which requirements they can cover and what you might have to add yourself. After this session, you will know what to look for when choosing the right framework to enhance your project.
Sabine Heimsath

Track 1 SQLcl - SQL*Plus with benefits expand description
Do you like working from the command line in sqlplus? Then you will love doing so in SQLcl. Maybe you don’t like working from the command line, but you have to? Then you will hate it a lot less in SQLcl.

SQLcl (previously named SDSQL) is the new commandline tool that is built by the same team that brings us the GUI SQL Developer. It does everything SQlPlus does, but on top of that lots and lots more. For example: easy csv creation and loading, querying data from another database without a database link, aliases, repeating queries a set number of times, generating ddl scripts, scripting with e.g. javascript and much more. New features constantly get added, which alone is more than we were able to say about sqlplus for a long time This session will introduce SQLcl and discuss and demonstrate it’s features to those that are new to it.
Erik van Roon
Track 2 Oracle 12c for Developers expand description
Do you want to get up to speed with the most current release of the Oracle database? Then this session is for you. You will learn the most exciting and most useful new features from the Oracle Database 12c which can make your work as database developer a lot easier. There is more to the Oracle database 12c than just pluggable databases.
Alex Nuijten

Track 1 Automate DBA Tasks With Ansible expand description
Every time you find yourself doing the same thing over and over, have you asked your self: How can I automate this? Nowadays cloud vendors are a major driving force for automation in our industry. This presentation focuses on the increasing role of automation and how it impacts the way Database Consultants and Administrator job is evolving. You will learn how you can decrease boring tasks and free up time for value-add work. We will take a detailed look at Ansible framework with which we can automate repetitive tasks.
Ivica Arsov
Track 2 SQL: The one language to rule all your data! expand description
SQL is a very powerful language and we have been using it for almost 40 years now to process our data. Did you know that SQL comes with many powerful techniques for analysing your data. Did you know that you can analyse data that is outside the database using SQL? Using the new Oracle Big Data SQL we can now analyse our data that is stored in our Database, in Hadoop and NoSQL all at the same time. This presentation will give demonstrations of the various analytical features available in SQL and PL/SQL and will show how you can now use the Oracle Big Data SQL to gather deeper insights of your data. The presentation will focus on some of the lessor know statistical functions, analytics functions and predictive analytics functions and how these can be used on all of your data.
Brendan Tierney

Track 1 Lunch break

Track 1 Get the most out of Oracle Data Guard! expand description
If you use Oracle Data Guard feature just for data protection, you are using less than half of its potential. You already pay for it, so why not getting the most out of it? In this session I will show how you can use Oracle Data Guard capabilities for common tasks such as database cloning, database migration and reporting, with the help of other features included in Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.
Ludovico Caldara
Track 2 Stop Guessing, Start Analyzing: New Analytic View Features in Oracle Database 12cR2
Jim Czuprynski

Track 1 12cR2 Statistics Advisor: Do you gather statistics in the way the optimizer expects them? expand description
You can’t blame the optimizer unless you are sure you feed it with relevant statistics. There is the Auto Job which suits most of the cases, and there are some exceptions: volatile tables, partitioned tables, bulk load, histograms and bind variables, etc. Let’s define a few rules to know if you gather statistics in the right way, and see how the 12.2 new advisor can help to provide what the optimizer expects.
Franck Pachot
Track 2 Back2Basics - A Day in the Life of an Oracle Analytics Query expand description
The Oracle Analytics product family is in use for years, has gone through many iterations, and is widespread across projects around the globe. Millions of analyses have been created, deployed, and run billions of times. The actual lifecycle of a query within this product stack from its inception through to the effective delivery of results may therefore be regarded as a given commodity not requiring a closer look. Few people have regarded an OBI query from this point of view: “How does it get constructed? How does it get translated between the different architectural components and the RPD layers? How, through what, and where does its lifecycle get influenced? Where can we as users/developers/administrators actively intervene with its makeup and structure? Why do we genuinely have to have an understanding of the subtleties of the lifecycle to create successful analytical solutions?”
Christian Berg

Track 1 Apache Hive for Oracle DBAs expand description
The ideia of the workshop is to digg into Hive and their technical architecture and implementation features and limitations and make the audience compare it to RDBMS and Oracle. This will be a pretty technical talk and will expose the DBAs to the new world of Hive ecosystem and their use cases. Live demos on Apache Hive cluster will be the focus point for learning.
Luis Marques
Track 2 12.2 Histograms are Evil, like Chocolate is Evil (or, how to avoid getting slapped by Maria)
Neil Chandler

Track 1 Interpreting AWR Reports
Jože Senegačnik
Track 2 What is "Standard APEX"? Understand the technology by analyzing the APEX dashboard competition apps expand description
This presentation is for beginners and professionals, young and old specialists because it argues with the master question itself: What is the right way to do it? And by showing the different results of the APEX Dashboard competition you will understand the problematic from a visual point of view and a technical point of view. Get crushed by seeing what really matters and what will kill you the day after.
Tobias Arnhold

Track 1 Interpreting AWR Reports
Jože Senegačnik
Track 2 Martin Widlake goes wild: TOP 10 ways of drinking beer, combined with TOP 10 ways of bad programming habits. Because you can't talk about it being sober.
Martin Widlake


Track 1
Track 2

Track 1 Registration

Track 1 Oracle session
Track 2 Oracle Session

Track 1 The journey of a bi-stack to the cloud expand description
Bi is can be a complex matter in big organisations. This presentation will tell the story about a strategic business decision to move the on premises BI stack to the Microsoft Azure cloud. This talk will focus more on the db-part than the bi part.

This presentation will cover - how we managed to move +300TB divided over several multi TB databases to the cloud - which services were chosen to run the database servers and why - how performance testing and sizing has been done - how automatic provisioning has been done for providing developers what they need in agreed SLA’s. - how we dealed with the short deadline - why the Azure Cloud was chosen over the Oracle cloud - Cost savings?

The deadline of the project was end of the year 2016. This gives the opportunity to give you an insight in a very fresh project of the move to the cloud from a complete BI environment.
Pieter Van Puymbroeck
Track 2 Oracle Cloud Essentials for Dummies expand description
CIMA won The Oracle Excellence Award 2016 for Cloud Innovation and Integration. Want to know why?, In this talk we will be looking at the decisions businesses have to consider when moving applications such as ERP and HCM to the cloud. . In this talk we will look at the real-world experiences when implementing a PAAS Cloud service such as DBCS and SOA. We will discuss topics such as: topologies; backups; user and key management; provisioning; Security; monitoring post go-live, etc. Delegates will learn about important design considerations and some of the vital tasks they need to do to make their Oracle PaaS environments consistent and easily manageable (over and above the click-click-click of demonstrations!). Once you have the data in the cloud, how do we report on this?, we will look at ways to extract this data for BI?

At the end of the talk the audience should have a clear understanding of the challenges and possible solutions in moving to the cloud. You should be able to walk away with answers to the following :

1) Things to consider when moving to the cloud. 2) Security in the Cloud. 3) Behaviors that may need to change in the business. 4) How to extract data from the cloud. 5) Integrating Cloud Data with Premise Data.
Kiran Tailor

Track 1 Researching the Oracle core - 3 slides and a lot of internals hacking fun in 45 minutes expand description
Warning: Please don’t expect any fancy Microsoft PowerPoint slides in this session. It is pure (live) Oracle core hacking fun but also very educational at the same time. For example you will learn how to extract various information from the Oracle core and how to use it in different troubleshooting scenarios or just for educational purpose. Understanding the Oracle core helps you to become a better troubleshooter :-)
Stefan Koehler
Track 2 Secure coding in the cloud
Rob Lockard

Track 1 dNFS for DBA's expand description
Direct NFS is an Oracle implementation of the standard NFS protocol inside Oracle Database. Using this native solution Oracle instance is able to better handle IO traffic and bypass a kernel layer of operating system. dNFS is commonly used for Exadata backups into ZFS Appliance and for Oracle databases using a NFS based solutions (like NetApp or Delphix ).

The goal of this presentation is a show DBA’s what is a Direct NFS, how to configure, use and monitor it. Proper configuration and monitoring are important to achieve a maximum performance and easy problem diagnostic. There will be examples of configuration with and without direct NFS.

NFS protocol is based on the TCP/IP protocol and this presentation will also show a recommended configuration of the TCP stack and explain how network should be monitored.
Marcin Przepiorowski
Track 2 Docker for Dummies expand description
You might (or might not) have heard of Docker. But you have no idea what it is and why you should care. But if you are a database or APEX developer and still work with Virtual Machines, it is about time to broaden your horizon. In this session you’ll learn what Docker is and how you can benefit from it in your daily work.
Roel Hartman

Track 1 Lunch break

Track 1 Title: 45 most useful new DBA commands in Oracle 12.2
Julian Dontcheff
Track 2 Common Pitfalls in Complex Apps Performance Troubleshooting expand description
This session is going to discuss simple things to remember while tackling performance issues with complex applications deployed in multiple tiers.
Timur Akhmadeev

Track 1 Dino DBA goes Dev-Ops. expand description
As a DBA or Database-person you will be asked to join a Dev_Ops team and use some of the Agile methods. When this happens, you will have to absorb new knowledge and work-habits. But you will also have to educate your colleagues on what is possible and impossible at the database level. We will try to give some guidelines, and point out a few embarrassing mistakes we made in these situations.
Piet de Visser
Track 2 From Block to Lock - Lock modes from theory to practice expand description
A familiar scenario for database administrators - a user reports a “Lock in the database”. This situation is often very critical and there is a limited time for the solution. During the presentation, there will be a classification and an explanation of the different kind of locks.
Tobias Deml

Track 1 Graph Databases - Just hype, or the end of the relational world ? expand description
Graph databases are the simplest approach to analyze complex relationships: social networks, financial connections (Panama Papers), human interactions … Come learn the new powerful analytics you can use with Oracle 12cR2 and Oracle Big Data: from the PGQL language to built-in graph algorithms.
Albert Godfrind
Track 2 AWR Warehouse - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly expand description
A brief high level overview of AWR Warehouse, and why anyone responsible for managing database instances should be using it we will drill into some of the internals of how it works and finish with some ideas about how to troubleshoot and resolve issues when it breaks
Patrick Jolliffe

Track 1 Jonathan Lewis speech
Jonathan Lewis

Track 1 Discussion panel
Kerry Osborne
Rob Lockard
Heli Helskyaho


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After party

Ticket includes entrance to our After Party with an open bar. More detailes soon!

POUG Partnership

POUG is not only the official Oracle community – first of all it is the base of very active members, who are engaged in the group development both during the meetings and the preparations to them. Our message gets to the 400 people connected with databases – from the developers to the administrators and from the begginers to the experts with years of experience.

We would like to invite you to be a part of our event – it is a chance to show your brand during and before the meeting.